22nd August. I am Number 20

Received a sheaf of bumff today headed with block letters IMPORTANT INFORMATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. The pages contained detailed information about how to go through the ordeal of this Triathlon thing, including where the toilets are, which could be one of my major concerns, at that time of the morning, because I like to keep myself regular...

Then there are still anxieties about swimming the distance front crawl without swallowing half the pool, or even swimming the distance, and then what? do you cycle 25 k's in your bathers or strip off in front of the public? Sometimes we just have to accept uncertainties and admit that we don't know what will happen.

Actually I was once in another race but I think I dropped my egg. That was during the inter-school sports day between the villages of Kingsley. Norley and Crowton in about 1967. It makes you wonder why they have school sports days? Is it just to discourage entry into any further competitions?

1 comment:

KAZ said...

That Triathlon is so wierd. It’s as though they threw all the sports into a hat and picked 3 out at random.
How you get into cycling shorts when you are wet through I can’t imagine.... but I'd love to watch.