As far as finances go, it seems to be a general rule that the more you earn the more you spend. Then once you've given in to buying a dishwasher then you NEED a dishwasher, life without a dishwasher is unimaginable. So far I've resisted, but from some points of view, ie Isabelle's, this is simply a case of me being miserable. The result is that I pretend to be a dishwashing machine, at least I don't have to put them away there's no machine that can manage that, this is the current arrangement.
It's actually debateable, if left to my own devices I would have ever thought a computer a necessary encumbrance? Now of course, could you imagine life without one? If I wanted to, for instance, I could produce a spreadsheet about 8 feet wide detailing the minutia of every daily expense, totalled up in 10.000 different ways, whilst listening to 915 personally chosen tracks, randomly sorted.
The other day Ross gave me a cheque signed by Gar', I said I don't remember what the quote was.
"That's ok", he says "I'll just leave it blank"...
"That's quite a level of trust" I replied. Gar', being the owner of two new Bentleys and a Lear Jet, not to mention the private helicopter, all of course indispensible, must be good for several hundred thousand.
It did cross my mind to make the cheque out for £2.3 million and just pay it in at the Royal Bank, then go out and buy a dishwasher, WHAT you haven't got a dishwasher yet?
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