7th August Chicken in a Fish Tank

I'm not sure why, but today we took possession of another flat. My duties included scrubbing at bath enamel with that much advertised cleaning product, Cillit Bang. "Bang! And the dirt is gone!" or in the case of stained bath enamel "Bang! Bang! Have you got any of those pan scrubber things because nothing's happening." Actually I just like repeating the words Cillit Bang! to myself. Not unlike Billy Crystal's father-in-law in Forget Paris, what was it? "Toyota. You wan it, you got it!".

What was the chicken in a fish tank though? Well, that's just a continuation of the chick from last week which now has to travel around everywhere in this former aquarium. It could be hemi-plegic or just gammie-legged but when we were parked illegally outside The Royal Bank this morning two traffic wardens turned a blind-eye whilst witnessing the complexity of its feeding arrangements.

Even these hardest of the hard (colloquially known as Blue Meanies) were prey to the same sentiment that now grips Isabelle.

A search of web pages to obtain a likely prognosis revealed that an aerosol of Diesel Cold Starter and a screw top jam jar was the easiest solution, as this product is composed mainly of Ether.

Needless to say this was rejected out of hand, and the chicken aquarium now resides on the opposite side of the bed from the goldfish tank (monsters of the deep)...


The Incredible Bulk said...

Another flat? You are certainly going flat out.

Ashley said...

Here in the States we have an extremely similar product to the Cillit Bang. It's called Easy Off Bam and the slogan is "Bam and the dirt is gone!". It doesn't work either though

Ashley said...

Oh, and thank you for all the great advice. Sometimes it just helps to get another person's perspective on a problem.