8th August Old Rubber Legs

I've maybe got more time than i initially thought. That is, more time to complete the Great List of Things Undone. I came to this conclusion after meeting Des (63), who was out there in Switzerland on a more serious bout of Alpinism than a mere introduction like myself. Then there was Brian (65), still able to get up the Matterhorn...

Of course the next thing on the GLTU is the Triathlon entry. I see my name has appeared on the list, so that's that. For the uninitiated its a simple race of swim/bike/then run. So I managed to extricate the bicycle from the tangle of deck chairs and garden implements, blew up the tyres, then set off with the intention of practising the transition from cycling to running. Riding eight miles in a determined fashion was quite a drain in itself. I was glad to get off the saddle, quite frankly. A bit of running to follow would make a nice change... I took a few gulps of water from the outside tap as preparation, but I wasn't quite prepared for the fact that my legs would start behaving as if they were made of rubber...
I ran about half a mile and ended up with a "stitch", whatever a stitch is? Then turned back, and I still haven't mastered swimming the required distance either yet...

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

Well, keep up the practice, because you are in competition shortly!

I would be happy to triathlon with you during 2008 when I become a lean, mean, running machine.