5th September. T.T.T. Results.

Results have been posted on the Web. I find that I wasn't completely last, just 111th out of 130. Of course that isn't the real result, the result is annoyance; annoyance that if I could have gone any faster, I didn't.

At the time, when I was drying between my toes before wheeling out the bicycle, I couldn't have cared less about the results.

The results are also in from the Psychological Prediction; no, not everyone is a "suited, competitive, middle-aged bloke that takes himself far too seriously". But maybe that's just an approximation to what I could turn into, through the medium of competitive sport?

One more result before THE END; I've finally discovered what my "Category" is... Veteran. Veteran! So old and knackered that they have to artificially separate you from the common herd, to 'give you a bit of a chance". In fact a couple more years and I'll be even further out of it as a 'Super Vet".

A Triathlon for Supervets would properly consist of:

Two lengths of the pool paddling a lilo,

Once round the car park on a tricycle,

Fifty yard dash to the lavatory with a zimmer.

I should have suggested introducing this format to Mrs Weale at the care home on Monday, although Mother wouldn't have thanked me.


stitchwort said...

Well done even to complete it - more than 95% of the population could do!
Look on the bright side - as you get older, the sparser the competition is. So if you can still cross the finish line at 70, 75, 80, you are more likely to win (or at least, "podium").

Rog said...

The tricycle would be electric of course...