16th October. Warmest Autumn For 350 years.

The unseasonably warm weather continued today. I paused to make a cup of tea in Mrs R.S's kitchen and noticed that the electric kettle was full. Before switching on I decanted most of the contents as per current energy saving guidelines. This is just one of the steps an individual can take to reverse the melting of 10 billion tons of ice every year in Antarctica. Along with checking tyre pressures regularly to halt the thawing of the Siberian Tundra and its consequent release of the equivalent of seven years of carbon emissions...

It's a shame that our house is so close to the present sea level. Maybe I'm just using global warming as another excuse for not getting on with the planned renovations, was Isabelle's slant on it.


DonkeyBlog said...

Wow, you really do Blog every day ... that's pretty dedicated - to have something to say, everyday!

Thanks for stopping by - I'll read through your arse a bit more now...

The Editor said...

I like a challenge.