30th October. "Ye May Gang Faur And Fare Waur"

I've never known a mouth ulcer like this. On the way back, I opted to stop at the Stracathro Service Area to buy Paracetemol in a vain attempt to quell the current pain. I struggled past a carousel of Cliff Richard albums and the like to purchase a take-away tea...

As I slowly sipped, surrounded by parked lorries, my attention was drawn to certain features of these now unusual premises. This self-service facility is a product of that "progressive" era of the late 1960's, and back then probably represented ultra-modern chic with details like festoon lighting and red quarry tiles throughout. Whether it should be demolished wholesale or be subject to some kind of preservation order is a question I can't answer.

Up until the late 70's. the traffic used to thunder by in front, now it thunders by round the back. That was when they had to redo the handpainted slogan that runs the length of the building in large black & white letters. Roughly translated this reads: "In the management's opinion, you may conceivably travel quite a considerable distance, before deciding to stop at a similar restaurant to this one, and there be surprised to find that the quality of the meal served is of an inferior quality to that which one could partake of here."

Any doubts concerning the verity of this proclamation, in all probability, will have greatly magnified over the decades.


stitchwort said...

"Partake" is such a lovely word, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I sympathise about the mouth ulcer. I haven't had one for years, but I never found anything that helped. And how easy it is to forget, until too late, that something contains salt or lemon juice.