30th November. A Very Merry Cluttermas.

When I came back I first of all banged into the wreath on the porch door and then the glass of the inner door was adorned with stick on snowflakes. It's that festive time of year again, Cluttermas. It didn't take long to decorate the tree this year, Isabelle tells me, since it was pre-decorated from last year and only had to be moved inside from the 30ft container. In fact it was July before it moved out of the lounge room to the container in the first place, so Cluttermas 2005 lasted, by that reckoning, over six months. There were attenuating circumstances involving an intervertebral disc, it has to be admitted; Cluttermas normally only lasts from about November to February. I go to make a cup of tea and the noise of putting the caddy on the shelf sets off the sound activated singing robin (made in china) which is now stationed in the vicinity, presumably for the duration?

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