3rd November. Review of the film Borat...Not!

Life goes on. During the afternoon Mr G.D. slumbered through the snooker on Sky Sports, which made a change from the cricket of the previous two days. It's a shame that this is all that happens when there's so little time left.

Tonight there was no fight at the cinema between young people similarly wasting their lives, which also represented a departure from any set pattern for fridays. This weekend we have visitors; 'Junior' and 'Mrs Junior to be', squashed into the back of the Daihatsu on top of various power tools "My leg has gone dead" (moan).

It's the first visit for exactly a year, it could be a mutual love of explosion? The main reason being the prospect of 'Gar's several thousand £'s of fireworks going off tomorrow night with a bang. Of course Father and son have a lot more in common; an over riding sense of futility, preoccupation with the shortness of life, that sort of thing. At this precise time, like two orbiting planets our transits cross at a unique point where I am exactly twice his age. I said, "I don't feel like you've already lived half my life. it doesn't seem that long since you came out in the labour suite."

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