19th December. Ladderwork- a Proactive Approach

The McBs work on the principle, that as far as the house goes, he makes most of the decisions, Mrs McB only has to decide when to hoover or when to go out to the shops, which are in easy walking distance. Recently bereaved, Mrs McB made a point of mentioning before going out to the shops mid-morning "to be careful on those ladders with the ice and frost", which was nice. I must admit it had already crossed my mind, as a precaution I decided to take my mobile phone with me. The reasoning behind this was; in the event of a fall onto say the conservatory roof if I regained consciousness to find myself half paralysed, or maybe just with a fractured pelvis I might be stuck there and end up suffering from exposure before Mrs McB finally came back from the town. I nipped out into the street as I'd forgotten the name of the house should I need to give directions to the emergency services.

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