20th December. Interlude At the Health Centre.

Clocked in at Glaver St, first thing but Nurse Grey pulled Isabelle up short on the subject of having a syringe stuck in my arm.

"We can't just take blood willy-nilly you know, we can only do a chloresterol test on the request of a Doctor. Does he have a heart condition? It's only the immediate family history that matters".

"Yes, but he eats a lot of butter and cheese".

"What difference would him knowing his chloresterol level make? We should all try to eat a healthy diet anyway" countered Nurse Grey.

"That's ok" I said, "I don't really mind. Actually, I've got a touch of Trypanophobia" I said looking at a syringe filling up with Isabelle's rare warm blood. Luckily there was no more requirement for additional puncturing in the form of boosters for Typhoid and the like, vis-a-vis the next upcoming tropical soujourn. That was according to the now uploaded medical records.

Just to make sure, Nurse Grey hauled out the original files, I mean can you really trust anything on a computer screen I thought, as she perused an on-line map of Malaria incidence in Vietnam. "I think Trang-Bang's there" I said, pointing to the red shaded area which just about covered the whole country.

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