11th January. Budgie Health Report.

Herbert has been looking somewhat dishevelled of late, just not looking after himself the same. He's let personal grooming slip, trapped as he is in a loveless arranged marriage courtesy of 'Pets at Home'. The vet recommended the ubiquitous universal antibiotic in the drinking water as a wee pick-me-up.

Harriet looks well but has a few movement routines she's fond of going into, it may be early onset Alzhiemers. To be fair she must have heard every anecdote, story, and joke her erstwhile husband is capable of wittering on about...

The trick is to minimise or simply avoid any eye contact.


iLL Man said...

I don't know why, but they sound like a fine couple to me.....

Says a lot for my attitude to relationships....

Eddie Waring said...

We had a budgie die yesterday. He had been hiding under the paper at the bottom of the cage for a day or two, so I suspected summat was up. Found him yesterday morning, time/cause of death unknown. Luckily we have one left to finish off the bag of seed I bought just last week.