13th January. CSI Columbo.

"I wish I'd watched more re-runs of Columbo", how many people are going to turn around and say that on their deathbed? Eh?

There was that much rain and wind this afternoon I was excused from something outside and found myself watching the outwardly shambolic Peter Falk cleverly piecing the usual plot formula together, some time in about 1972. As always, the finally outwitted villain just happens to be the guy who seemed the most helpful to the Lieutenant earlier on before the 2nd commercial break.

The thing is, can young people today understand Columbo?
Couldn't they trace the suspects movements from his mobile calls?
Why are the interiors so kitsch?
What is a typewriter anyway?
What about satellite imagery, the skys usually clear enough in LA?
What's a Darkroom? and why does it have an orange light?

..."Just one more thing"... couldn't they simply wrap it all up in five minutes with a DNA test?

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