14th January. Mauled by Laura - Another Day Wasted.

"Brrrr brrrr, brrrr brrrr"
"Hallo, I'm outside the flat now but it's raining..."
"Didn't you get my message?"
"Well we had to get a slater on an emergency call-out to look at the roof, a reputable tradesman. The leak was so bad in the bedroom all my clothes are ruined, look, I'm handing you over to my boyfriend to tell you what the slater said..."

"Hallo, will I tell you what exactly his report was...?"
"If you like."
"He said it was a f***ing shambles, slates stuck there with silicon rubber and some missing completely."
"Well..errr.. yes, your side is the worst but you know I'm not the only person that's had a go at the roof over the years. What can you do? the whole thing needs completely re-slating."
"We're not blaming you entirely for Laura's flat becoming unliveable, and I'm not going to charge you for the bed and breakfast..."

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