18th January. Coq Au Styrofoam.

Even Hettie the hypothermic hen was enthusiastic about the snow that started falling this morning. Chickens seem to show a remarkable affinity for any white material irrespective of its chemical composition.

Recently after the delivery of some or other new home exercise machine and with the wheelie bin already at capacity there were several large pieces of the packaging outside. At first light each morning there was the sound of hens pecking at polystyrene. Assuming the consumption of white material such as emulsion paint, tesco hygiene cat litter, lime wash, and now snowflakes has some basis in the production of eggshells, the polystyrene would surely produce a very lightweight egg?

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

I think you could be on to something there. Just think of all the greenhouse gases that could be saved during egg transpotation.