19th January. Not Point-less.

I wouldn't say I'd actually lost sleep over the prospect of todays work placement but the idea of the railings, each with it's own pointed fleur-de-lys, arranged like daggers at the foot of the ladders had been playing on my mind.

Having narrowly missed the windscreen of the local bus whilst swinging the ladders off the roof rack the next task was to nervously lash them to the row of iron spikes. This was in case they fell down the ten foot drop between the railings and the basement of the Gs' house. Then the roof ladder itself proved to be somewhat water-logged making it a slightly heavier proposition...

In the event of impalement I'm sure any passing child of that age when every question begins "Why..?" would be sure to ask "Mummy, why is that man impaled on those railings?"

"Because he failed in his duty to complete a full Health and Safety risk assessment, darling."

"Yes but why...?"



Z said...

So your Risk Assessment went - 'pretty dangerous. If anything goes wrong, it could be nasty.' And the result was 'lash it all together and watch out.'

Well, you survived, so it must have been effective.

The Editor said...

It's not over yet...

Eddie Waring said...

Kid's are proper nosey aren't they? My kid is always asking me questions and it gets on my tits so I mess with her little head to get even. "Daddy, why do I only have 3 fingers?" "'Cause Father Christmas hates you". "Daddy, why did Mummy go away?" "Cause you keep wetting the bed. Now go and get me another beer!"
Kid's, eh?

Z said...

So, if there's no post on Monday, we're to expect the worst, are we?

I'll be back. A bit anxious. Enjoy Sunday, just in case.