26th January. A Dream Crashes.

I'm standing looking at a building in some High Street, apparently we own all the flats in this building. On the ground floor there is an old fashioned garage with doors that fold back leaving it open to the street. I said I don't think we own that garage do we?

We take a look around, the place is a hive of activity with mechanics everywhere, we go down a staircase to a cavernous area underneath, below the street level.

I look up and the supporting structure is made of massive concrete beams such as is used in earthquake-proof buildings. Despite this, the beams are just balanced on top of each other and worse the whole thing is swaying about with whatever is going on above in the garage.

I'm just about to say lets get out of here! when the entire structure collapses, I escape injury but Isabelle is flattened by the concrete. In fact flattened so completely that when I pick her up she looks like a sticker for Bob Heath Visors such as was often stuck on the side of motorcycle helmets to advertise one's endorsement of the same.

I lay her down, still flat, but then she gradually fills up again with some kind of liquid, back to original size, and none the worse for it...


The Incredible Bulk said...

I have a feeling that that's not normal.

Go Rocky!

The Editor said...

Yes but is it any more unrealistic than not being flattened by an opponent that's fully thirty years one's junior?

The Snoring Man said...

Perhaps it is about a fear of the entire Editor's Empire collapsing.
Isabelle would of course bounce back as she would just be refilled with energy for another project.