6th February. Vacances Gastronomique d'Indochine.

The fact of the matter is we have to be transported to Vietnam tomorrow, by Air Something-or-Other, straight into Isabelle's Grandparents kitchen. It's going to be another marathon eating vacation. More or less a working holiday as far as the digestion goes. Restaurants too numerous to mention and then there's the meals dished up by the woman from Cambodia that lives in the kitchen and sleeps on the dining table.

There's very little that isn't eaten in this part of South-East Asia. The main advice for any visiting western gourmand is; 'Don't eat the lettuce', unless you want to spend the day on a toilet.


The Snoring Man said...

Bring me a kerry oot please.

The Incredible Bulk said...

I find it ironic:

'Don't eat the lettuce'


"I really enjoyed drinking the blood of a live snake"

Western views on food are really quite restrictive, as is our immune system.

The Editor said...

It's all in the water you know