18th March. Tom Cat Catheter.

Poor old Tigger (see previous) has been released from the vet's, now with suspected nerve damage in the lower spine - from what, it's not that clear. Clarification can be bought for roughly £1500 by way of a Cat Scan (No pun intended).

Tigger is happy enough and seems his usual self, apart from being half paralysed and unable to empty his bladder. Isabelle has been given a crash course in Tom cat catheterisation, not an easy procedure emptying a cat's bladder and something to look forward to in the morning.

Whether there is any chance of recovery remains to be seen, it could be some calcified lump between the vertebrae, as there doesn't appear to be any sign of injury.

I'm kind of dreading having a catheter fitted myself (assuming I ever live that long).

1 comment:

The Snoring Man said...

Isabelle having now been trained will no doubt happily ease your passage into that next phase