29th March. Versuvius Enacted.

What with the cat's bladder and what have you, I'm afraid I lost the plot this morning in a frenzied attack on the washing-up shortly before leaving late for Mr J's rubble-ized house. This resulted in several dish breakages and a laceration to the right index finger.

Isabelle gave me a good whacking with the plastic dish drainer but told me later that she "Still liked me deep down despite being VERY pissed-off at the time".

These eruptions seem to occur with a frequency of about once every ten years, then the most we can say is that the volcano is 'dormant'. To say it was 'extinct' would be a mistake but perhaps I exaggerate, it was nothing like Mount St Helens or Krakatoa.


The Snoring Man said...

Perhaps Isabelle should have dealt with the rubble in Mr J's house, leaving you more time to do a quality job on the washing-up. Everybody happy.

The Editor said...

Re: The dishes and the work-a-day world of marriage, Due to an agreement concerning myself and the non-purchase of a dishwasher to date, any change could disrupt the delicate balance and would involve a 70's style job demarcation dispute such as existed between management and workers, leading to the downing of tools and the calling in of ACAS*.

*Arbitratiion & Concilliatory Advisory Service.