5th March. Back To (Harsh) Reality (With a Bump).

Mr B. looked a little drawn this morning and announced that shortly he would be 'Having to leave me to it' and 'Did I mind?' as he had to depart forthwith to pick up Mrs B. from hospital.
'Oh?' I replied.
'Yes we've had quite a weekend of it, I must admit.

Mrs B. had been cleaning the kitchen window when she crashed down on the recently ceramic tiled floor shattering one wrist and incurring a concussion. 'Blood everywhere, had to wait three hours for an ambulance... She's not the most mobile of people' explained Mr B. (A litttle too heavy on the hips, if memory serves).

Looking around the B's living environment with a renewed perspective the cottage resembles an obstacle course for anyone with compromised mobility, decking with stairs (lethal when wet), rustic uneven steps down to the drying green, several dogs all with leads and the strength to pull you over.

Of course this is the likely future for most couples, luckily we have timber floors throughout which have the benefit of being a little more forgiving.


DonkeyBlog said...

Hey Mr E, I've tagged ya to tell me six weird things about yerself - maybe you could work all six into a single day's news story - I dunno. But would love you to play if you're interested - toddle over and have a squiz if ya need more info. Cheers.

The Editor said...

That'll take a while, course one mans weirdity is anothers normality.

DonkeyBlog said...

I hear ya!