9th March. How Green Was My Depression?

I even joined the Green Party and stood as a candidate in the local elections. Course I was younger then, I got a bit depressed about the planet in the mid 1980's and to think all that hand-wringing was in vain. Thanks to Channel 4, a weight may have been lifted, there may be no need to maintain that life-denying pessimism that's so much a part of me, may be the atmosphere isn't going to boil off by 2010 leaving us with a climate like Mars.

Global Warming may not be everything it's been hyped-up to be, but let's not forget the plight of the Orang-Utan and the Sumatran Tiger. I'm still paying WWF £2 a-month direct debit to ensure they don't go the same way as the Giant Moa and whatever other things we've killed off, including several species of human beings, Neanderthals et al.

Yes, the forest in Borneo is cleared to produce Palm oil to make margarine that may give you a 'healthy heart' yeah well I'd rather keep the Tiger and eat butter.

But about these Ice cores, does the CO2 level lag 1000 years behind the Global temperature or not? And if it does what other explanation is there other than CO2 not causing temperature rise?

Cosmic Rays and Climate yes

Cosmic Rays and climate no


stitchwort said...

I understood the scientists to be saying that the sun, via flares/sunspots, causes the climate change, and then the extra CO2 comes from the ocean; little organisms in the water give off more when it gets warmer.

Higher CO2 levels are the result of higher temperatures, not the cause.

The Snoring Man said...

Of course that programme could be also be a scam in the same way that they are saying that the 'other scientists' are telling us that we are causing the temperature rise by our increasing CO2 emmissions. If the programme was held to be true it would give a number of major countries no real reason to slow down on their own pollutions.
Who do you believe?

The Editor said...

Let's face it there's never going to be any slow down in co2 emissions; cheap air travel, 6.5 Billion people, everyone in China wanting a car etc so if it is man-made aren't we all going to die? if the so-called balance tips to runaway overheating.

All this guff about saving the planet by only half filling the kettle or keeping your tyres at the right pressure, meanwhile the Chinese are building a new coal fired power station every week to fuel their industry that we no longer have because its been legislated out of existence due to environmental considerations.

The Other lot say that sun spots are a red herring, that ice ages are caused by the wobble in the Earth's axis so as the planet warms the co2 does follow the changing temperature, but some of this increased co2 acts to increase the greenhouse effect. At the moment they claim there's more co2 than there's ever been and having allowed for the wobble thing that the co2 makes things hotter.

This sun activity slant and the cloud formation is it real though? who knows?

Who wants to stop the Climate change gravy train? no one on it anyway.