8th March. Global Warming, My Arse?

According to Channel 4, man-made Global warming is a complete scam. It's always the ice cores dating back thousands of years that are held up as incontrovertible proof that there's a link between CO2 levels and global temperature.

There is a link but apparently the line of CO2 follows the line of temperature, not the other way round. That is CO2 doesn't cause the temperature change. As the oceans warm up, less CO2 can be held in them and so this ends up in the atmosphere.

The Global temperature closely follows solar activity. They say when there's more solar wind, as in more sun spots, this reduces the amount of cosmic rays reaching Earth's atmosphere. The cosmic rays have something to do with cloud formation, so less cosmic rays mean less clouds and therefore a warmer temperature.

This will be good news for sea levels here, we may not have to move house after all, but possibly bad news for cousin B. whose career depends on persuading us all to reduce CO2 emmisons. Junior was just through telling me on the phone that the Earth was *ucked, possibly, but in this light it will be from the Political chaos due to the oil running out rather than the Climate chaos from burning it.


stitchwort said...

That was quick - the programme only finished at 10.35!

The Editor said...

Well I like to be current.

The Snoring Man said...

So, you will be keeping your 4 x 4.
I may repair the Volvo estate turbo after all.

The Editor said...

Yhis is no time for complacency, if everyone drove a volvo the oil would run out by next thursday.

The Snoring Man said...

If its on channel 4 at 9pm, must be right enough.

The Editor said...

What's this, a new found healthy scepticism?
I don't know what's come over you.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick to my cynical back teeth about "Global Cooling" "Global Warmimg" ot "Climate Change". When I studied Geography in 1968 we were told that the world was heading for a Global Ice age the likes the world had never seen. My sone was told at High school in 1988 that the world eas heading for a Warming age the likes the world had never seen. PAR LEASE!!
Give me a break. Reality check needed here. The truth:
The temperature of the Earth VARIES on every spot you measure.
There is not way of determining any change one way or the other.
Second fact the earth is not a green house. It is OPEN to space so any greenhouse gases can escape or sink into the sea. What should be investigated is the extraordinary fact that temperatures around te world are CONSTANT and RELAIBLEY so. Thats interesting.