24th April. The Tube Mouse & The Wheeler.

Tonight I'm annoyed with myself because according to 'The Aerobics Way' by Kenneth H. Cooper 1970, a man of my age and decrepitude, running 1.5 miles in 12mins 20secs is deemed to be only 'Good' rather than 'Excellent' or even 'Superior' (10mins 30secs).

Meanwhile Isabelle gets comfortable in front of Channel 4.

The body reacts to the additional loading of exercise by increasing VO2 max, the volume of oxygen the body can use, 'the training effect'.

Similarly the body reacts to comfort and relaxation by an increasing state of breathlessness 'the anti-training effect'.

We are conducting a long term experiment here in Health & Efficiency. The results may or may not correlate well with the mice research of a few years ago.

Two mice of similar size and make up were fed an identical diet. The Tube Mouse spent most of it's time asleep in a toilet roll tube waking up only to eat. The Wheeler ran continuously night and day in a hamster wheel.

The results showed that The Wheeler wore itself out and the Tube Mouse lived to a good age.


The Incredible Bulk said...

To the Victor, the Mars Bars!

The Editor said...

"A Mars-a-day helps you...work, rest and play?"


The Incredible Bulk said...

My conclusion is that is simply a picture of a fat mouse and a normal mouse. I need scientific evidence (creationism's evidence accepted for hilarity value) that the fat mouse has been eating Mars Bars.

Could it not have been McDonalds?