26th April. When the Cock Crows Three Times or More.

Did the cock crow once or twice before Peter's third denial? These type of Biblical questions are merely academic, this morning I decided to measure the Cockerel crowing frequency 'chez nous'. Over a typical two minute period the average rate was once every 12 seconds.

"Truly I say to you, this very morning, before a cock crows one hundred and twenty times I shall lose my grip on reason".

I'm seized by a desire to cull the whole lot apart from The Cream Puff and dispose of the bodies in the wood then make a strenuous denial.

However faith in the Marriage could easily be undermined, some acts cannot be forgiven especially those of a premeditated nature.


The Snoring Man said...

I understand now why you are always first onto the factory floor as it were.

The Editor said...

The domestic fowl normally has a long lie in till about about 5.30 am on sundays though.