26th May. 8 a.m. Aberdeenshire Breakfasts.

"Are you and Isabelle going to be having any children"?

It's a question that seems inevitable from couples who until recently didn't have any themselves.

I stare out of the window of J & K's kitchen which is full of pre-schoolers at various stages of being force fed or cajoled into eating their Weetabix.

"Those Blue Tits don't seem to have the same problem with their young" I said as one parent winged down from the bird feeder and popped back once again into a hole in the garden wall.

"Come on! If you don't eat your peanuts you'll never grow up and fly properly, you're old enough to be feeding yourself! Right! That's your second warning. Any more messing about and you're going on the naughty perch"!

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