10th July. Goodbye - Preoccupation With Death.

After a brief chat about the darker side of life I lay back, shut my eyes and listened to Mrs Thingy's voice. It wasn't long before I was standing on top of Ben Alder - a 'Safe Place', well, about as far away from other people as you can get locally...

To describe the process would be to make it sound completely corny. However all thoughts just slip away along with critical awareness.

To cut a long story short after rolling Death, in the shape of a huge boulder down the hillside and watching it smash, followed by what amounted to an enema of white light and gargling with all the colours of the rainbow I feel like the kidneys are flushed out...lighter...and

A bit less Morbid?

Anyway Mrs Thingy has decided to give me another free session next week on the grounds that - "We can't stop there!"

Hell No!

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