18th July. What Do You Do When You Don't Know What To Do?

Had to play it cool today with an immense Austrian wood burning boiler, brand new, weighing a tonne, the pride and joy of Mr M. who thinks I know what I'm doing.

"Jamie says all you do is smash the pallet up that it's sitting on to get it lowered onto the concrete floor."

"Oh yes?" Then it falls sideways at worst killing you or leading to hospitalisation for weeks or months and the end to endurance events.

Maybe it falls sideways missing you but then it bends all the controls and how the hell could you ever get it righted again? You couldn't. It would naturally be all my fault."

The guy cutting the channel through the farmyard for the pipes is keen to get his pennyworth in, which was all talk about slings and telescopic fork lifts...

Most of life is like this; there is a problem, someone else who isn't actually there says it's easy all you do is...whatever, you could do something foolhardy but there is a lot at stake, a very complicated technofix solution exists involving something you haven't got to hand, you can't do anything else before the problem is overcome.

In the end it takes half a day to get the pallet out from underneath it without wrecking anything, when it was supposed to be already sitting on the concrete in the first place.

That's Life, literally.


DonkeyBlog said...

Maybe you should have asked an Austrian Woodsman! Who's buying and installing wood burners in this day and age anyway? Oh yeah, of course, middle class Brits!

The Editor said...

You can save the planet too if you've got a spare £10-15,000 for the complete installation.

I hear keeping warm Down Under isn't so much of a problem these days, more a lack of water?

We should be exporting rain this summer.

DonkeyBlog said...

Yeah, send it all down here, and maybe you can find something to plug up that massive hole in the sky that you and your lot opened up ;)

The Editor said...

T. Midgley was some guy!
