1st August. "Not Another Bloody Gendarme?"

Arriving at the north ridge of the Weissmeis just as the sun was rising, Owain, who is learned in these matters, tells us that the wind "always gets up for about an hour at dawn then settles down."

An hour later I find myself thinking - this wind should be abating any minute now.

The gale in question was factoring in a wind-chill of something in excess of -20 and naturally had no idea of 'settling down.'

This route, with an Alpine grading of AD+ corresponds roughly to almost impossible (AI). I found that the route was impossible whilst wearing gloves, as one rocky gendarme on the 2km ridge followed another, bare hands greatly increased the Discomfort Factor to a French Assez Terrible (AT).

Alex only had two bollockings today, once for not traversing the knife edge of the ridge properly and again for incorrectly stowing his ice-axe.

However we both received a further bollocking on the return to the hut for losing one large wired nut and a sling.

"You owe me twenty quid, that nut was brand new, part of a set!"


The Snoring Man said...

Lucky to find a Gendarme at all these days. The last UK Gendarme died a few years ago, falling off the West Ridge of Sgurr nan Gillean, Skye.
Sadly missed no doubt, I sidled past him quite a few times.

Amanda said...

Sounds like you have had a refreshing break in the Swiss, maybe French Alps. But where are you now? It's the 6th of August and you may be up to your neck in snow and ice or drinking a cool beer at home, at ground level?

Do you think writing notes then blogging works? (as per a previous comment). I tried but decided as I could not honestly sustain per diem entries there was little point.

Maybe your indulgence is an online diary for your own memories or for any offspring you may have, I don't know. But curious. Does it work?

The Editor said...

My son never reads The Daily Arse.

It's just something to do instead of watching Noel Edmunds.