30th August. Clocking In With Mother.

Off on another visit to see Mother. Typically:

"How's your good lady wife?"

"You can't remember her name can you?"

"Yes I can!"

Lately Mother had been getting a bit raj with the care home staff ringing the bell forty times in the night, stuff like that.

Honestly I don't know how they can put up with it, I don't think I'd be cut out for a caring career.

Anyway she's been doped up to some extent, in retrospect it might have been better if they'd done that at some earlier stage, maybe before I started at Primary school?

It's a funny way of putting it: 'The Caring Professions'.

An Uncaring Professional:

"I don't give a *uck! if you ring that bell once more you're going out of the window and that's a *ucking promise!"

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