20th September. Village People.

"It's been a Life Learning Experience, it's the only way to look at it." says Mrs R. of the trials of living in a small Scots village having moved up from Kent.

A boundary dispute had erupted with the neighbours concerning right of way over the R's land as these things do, when the neighbours demolished a wall and installed huge gates.

The R's erected railings to claim back some of their bit and planted a flower bed.

"Somebody poured Sodium Chlorate and sulpuric Acid over the flower bed but I think I know who it was, I haven't the heart to spend another hundred quid on plants."

The railings dispute made three pages in the Daily Express with some 'white settler' angle.

"It's a new experience to be an outsider for a change, down south it was other minorities that moved in who were always the outsiders."

"Villages are weird" I said "Often you find things out about yourself you didn't even know."

" A friend of mine moved here twenty years ago from four miles down the road and she says she's still considered an outsider"

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

Some people always look to blame others for their shortcomings, since they can't spot their own character flaws.

I'm not anti English, Irish, Welsh, Chinese or anything else - I'm just anti Arsehole.