28th September. I Not Sure Where I'm Supposed To Be.

After a leisurely breakfast I turned up equipped to start work at Mr & Mrs G's for the second time this week.

The first time during the week Mrs G. had said "I'll leave the key round the back under the flower pot and i'll cover everything up in the room."

Strange that the room should be completely covered in toys rather than sheets when I peered through the living room window?

I phoned Mr G. on his mobile, "I spoke to your wife early in the week about coming on wednesday instead of friday?"

"No. It wasn't my wife."

"Are you sure?"


"Arrrr! That may explain the present state of the room."

"Are you outside the house at the moment?"


"I'll come out directly."

"Obviously I've been speaking to someone else for a week but I've no more idea who they are or where they live than fly in the air."


Ashley said...

That is pretty odd

The Editor said...

All part of the slow slide into complete loss of marbles I'm afraid.

The Incredible Bulk said...

I love this kind of behaviour. I hope they see the funny side when you eventually find them - all that work covering everything in sheets.