23rd October. Career Opportunities.

Junior phones up from Glasgow on the pre-text of career advice but never having had a proper job I'm afraid I don't have much to say. he seems to be getting a bit bored stacking shelves at Boots.

"What about chimneys?"

"Well is it really a living? I don't buy a new car every year."

"Well it's not your thing is it?"

"That's not the point."

Today making myself a cup of tea at the L's I reached for the milk and a fridge magnet caught my eye. Picking it off the door I realised it was a product from the company started by my best friend from primary school (Queens award to industry, £10 million turnover).

Of course this is a direct continuation of making stuff for those Church Bring & Buy sales when we had our own stall and I told him what to do.

And then later his father gave me a bollocking for selling home made cricket bats (of all things) at school "I don't want you using the premises to conduct your business!"

Well he was the Headmaster.

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

Why would any normal person want a career?