2nd October. Bad Luck/ Good Luck.

After a relatively sleepless night I spent a fair bit of the morning mulling over the seriousness of yesterdays events.

I phoned up the Estate Office to enquire about Mr P"s progress but it was engaged for ages then there was no answer.

This allowed me to speculate that things had taken a turn for the worse and Mr P. may have even died.

This isn't a nice feeling at all I reflected, to feel responsible for someone elses death?

In the afternoon the office phone was answered and Mr P. was due out of hospital at 3 pm.

His daughter phoned in the evening then passed me on to Mr P. himself who thankfully sounded normal -

"Yes... it was quite interesting actually, I've had a complete body scan... I don't want you to go blaming yourself for what happened.. anyway you're supposed to wear a hard hat on a site like that..."

The verdict was one collapsed lung and a fractured skull.

"What happens with that then?"

"Oh they put a tube down and reinflated the lung, I've had stitches and the skull just joins up again itself pretty quickly."

"It was when the pipe hit me on the back, if it had hit me on the head first - I don't think I'd be here."

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