30th November. Barefoot Running Thing.

I'm coming round to Dr Oetker's idea that Human Beings were meant to run barefoot.

A slight aggravation in one knee had stopped the running for a while so I took some other literary Docs advice for leg raises with a weight tied to your foot. Mind you I had trainers on when that knee twinge happened, tch tch.

See when you run barefoot the foot naturally lands the right way, whereas if you've got a chunk of shock absorbing foam on your trainers the sole of your foot is too squishy and your ankles bend sideways, not to mention the high heels throwing your weight forward.

But then the tarmac is a bit rough for western feet, the answer is two pairs of socks and because its raining, a pair of Tesco bags with elastic bands round the ankles.

Obviously it has to be pitch dark to avoid having to make any explanation to the neighbours.

I managed a mile and the knee thing seems to be passing over.

You should try it, just land on the front part of the feet not the heels.

I'm aiming to run 5k with no socks on rough tarmac, in the dark.


The Incredible Bulk said...

Dr Oetker does make exceedingly lovely Pizzas too.

What was the plastic noise level generated by the new "shoes"?

The Editor said...

Not too bad but plastic is only an intermediate step to bare skin.

of course there's a website

Anonymous said...

this guy thinks he's zola budd...