14th December. Chicken Tourettes.

Isabelle is away and I've been given full responsibility for the various livestock including several which are challenged on the defecatory front.

Tigger the paraplegic cat and that mental chicken which has become habituated to the kitchen and spends most of it's time trying to control some sort of tic it's developed in it's neck region.

Actually I thought it was going to manage to wring it's own neck the way it's been going on - the self-dispatching chicken?

People can't understand why when Isabelle's away I don't quietly terminate one or both, fake an accident or simply say that Tigger must have escaped.

That chicken could form the basis of something with noodles or perhaps a curry?

I could even keep some over to heat up in the micro for Isabelle's return.


The Incredible Bulk said...

The Cockerel's head movements are really quite disturbing. It's something that should appear on YouTube.

P.S. I have a video camera.....

The Editor said...

I was thinking that actually.