29th February. Eight Years To Go...errrr maybe not.

Sixteen years ago, 29:2:92 I had this lead box time capsule amazing idea. NOT TO BE OPENED BEFORE 2016

A snapshot of life at that moment, everyone was invited to speak to a video camera privately addressing their presentday-selves to their future-selves.

Those that couldn't be there in person had to make do with a recorded phone conversation, then the box was soldered up and buried.

At the time there were a few bets on who would be the first 'to go' and poignantly enough some already have.

Unexpectedly hardly anyone now would give the time of day to the other people involved.

This same disassociation may also apply to any video evidence of ones former-self.


The Snoring Man said...

Was there any provisions for the viewing of deceased persons stuff?
Maybe an addition to the will would do the trick for those still extant.

The Editor said...

Ach most of it's rubbish anyway.