1st March. Bollocks.

Received notice from HM Revenue & Customs that unless I pay £2599 by the tenth of this month I will be shot.

Also any assets not inside the house, ie in a garage will be siezed, well they'd be welcome to the Daihatsu, recently synchromesh seems to have gone on second.

As a Citizen we're all meant to be paying for our share of Northern Rock and bringing democracy to the Taliban.

They should just let Tesco run the country, cause it does anyway, whole swathes of mouse clickers could be dispatched, cut out the dead wood, buy one get one free, streamline the whole process with one-click ordering

It's all like a Superstore that still has a half day wednesday.


The Incredible Bulk said...

Why can't they get into the house?

Are there too many magazines blocking the entrance?

The Editor said...

Apparently The Sheriff's Officers aren't allowed in for some reason.

I suppose I could keep that Buell in the living room.