6th February. Climate Change Front Line.

Mr S. takes a phone call - "Another meeting of the flood commitee" he relays.


The S's house is on a virtual island on the flood plain of the Tay and each house in the village follows a strict order in which they go under.

Not unlike the global scenario, Bangla Desh, The Netherlands, half of Vietnam etc.

"I see what you mean about the road" I said looking at what had been washed away by the river in the latest flooding.

Well you certainly wouldn't be able to drive up it in a sports car and only just - in a tractor.

He said "I didn't think it was worth repairing until that snow we had last week's melted, better to wait till the end of the rainy season."


The Incredible Bulk said...

Why doesn't he just move house?

The Editor said...

The house hasn't actually submerged since it's on a man made higher bit of ground courtesy of the railway.