24th April. Penguin V. Walrus.

'Phase 2' at the Bone Crunchers and 'things have recovered nicely'.

I said it was definitely easier trying to breathe to the right hand side when I was at the Leisure Pool.

He gives me another going over followed by the inevitable "CRUNCH" and "CRUNCH" again

Ignoring the wilder Chiropractic claims, I find I can now whirl my left arm around the same as the right, which is a distinct improvement.

Swallowing water should be much reduced and the stroke evened out, I should be able to power through the water like a flipping penguin.

After all that the 'Bulk' claims he only breathes to one side and even then only every fourth stroke, far too leisurely for my liking, probably like a Walrus.

Isabelle tells me my shoulders are too narrow, one of several handicaps.

Women prefer men with broad shoulders unless they've got a huge beer gut.

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

You are invited to watch me doing a length or two to judge for Walrus similarities.