4th April. Tony Blair Latest.

Tony's fear of being branded "a nutter" whilst in office if he talked about God were probably well grounded but now, from the sidelines, he must feel it's ok to be branded a nutter.

Tony's assertion that "people of faith" have more in common than they realise is an excellent idea.

The specifics of Faith, the details, the small print, doesn't matter too much. For instance within Anglicanism, which is mainly a Christmas Bring and Buy Sale, more tea Vicar? type of religion there's considerable lack of certainty about whether God approves of selling raffle tickets for say a knitted Toad of Toad Hall. Mmmm... is that strictly gambling?

Really Belief boils down to whether prayer works or not, five times a day or just on a Sunday, or maybe the first Sunday in the month when you feel you should put in an appearance at Communion.

Yes but no but what Belief REALLY boils down to is whether you believe that prayer works. ( Here we are talking of influencing external events not just jollying oneself up a bit by getting right with God, The Universe or whatever).

So conveniently and also re: being branded "a nutter" if there is no evidence at all that prayer actually works imagine how strong one's Faith necessarily becomes.

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