14th May. Born To Be Tired.

"I don't understand it, it must be a mental thing, there's nothing wrong with your quads" queries the Walrus waiting at the side of the road, as I gratefully freewheel to a halt feeling more or less knackered.

This cycle pacing idea worked for about 10 kilometres, then a slight headwind and I soon lost sight of the walrus's back wheel altogether.

I'm reminded of a particular admonishment about my Fluid Mechanics course work during the college years from Mr Fiddler - "Your usual minimum effort."

Another one from J.B. Main - "Some of you lads just seem to have come in here to get out of the rain!"

Somehow I need to metaphorically work out what's going to be in the 'exam' this year then write some Dynamics formulas on jam pot labels and stick them on the back of my Commodore calculator.

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