27th May. Showdown Mental Prep.

"You've no pride" admonishes Isabelle as we drive into the town, referring to the results of my recent attempt at shaving but perhaps implying a more general character trait.

"You look like Hitler with those hairs you've left under your nose."

It could be true.

Coincidentally I could do with taking a leaf out of Hitler's book.

I need all the puffing up I can get for the coming showdown on Sunday, a bit of Egotism could do me no harm.

Sporting performance is all about mental attitude, an exaggerated estimate of my own abilities allied with a soupcon of arrogant assumption of superiority ought to do it.

The Walrus will be defeated and then - we invade Poland!

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

I think you may have a problem.