20th July 2008. Loch Ore Vomiting.

Junior came along to zip up my wet suit and tell me how he really wouldn't want to be swimming in Loch Ore on a sunday morning.

The trouble was I couldn't actually find Loch Ore and time was going on for registration I had to stop and ask a battered looking Ex-miner.

To be honest they've made a lovely job of the former coal tip.

And then I'd forgotten to bring my bike helmet. No helmet no race as they say.

However once underway the waters proved to be like a warm bath compared to the jellyfish experience of the previous week.

I'd decided to go all out and so ended up throwing up coming through Lochgelly of all places, too much muesli maybe?

Overall fairly crap about halfway up or down the field depending whether you're a glass half empty or half full kind of guy.

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