28th November. I'm Not Normal (Official).

The ultrasound produces an image which makes 1950's black & white telly look like HD but to the trained eye they can generally tell if your baby's got two heads.

"I can't seem to find your left kidney" announces the operator.

"How d'you mean like?"

"Well it's not there."


More rolling around of the ultrasound thing with gel.

"Where is it then?"

"You've never had one."

"You mean I've only got one kidney?"

"It looks that way."

Jeezuz H. Christ!

Maybe I've only got half a brain and I've always been half-hearted.

Dear oh dear.

Isabelle says I'm abnormal on the inside as well as the outside.

Apparently only 1% of people have this exclusive form of Natural Weakness.

(You can't hit me, I've only got one kidney.)

More tests of course Yippee!

And meanwhile I can join The Single Kidney Club.

Meet single kidney singles in your area now!

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