30th November. The Chick That Works In The Bothy.

"I can't stand the tension anymore." says The Otter turning on his heels and heading for the Way Out of The Bothy.

Course we'd all been hanging around in vain whilst Isabelle paid for her dessert at the bar simply to catch another glimpse of The Chick That Works in The Bothy.

Junior alluded to the notion of Sad Old Gitdom.

"Well, It's only the second time we've been here specifically for that reason... and that was really just for your benefit." said The Otter directing his comment to Junior.

"She's a Total Babe, like. But you could never speak to her".

"A lot of these really attractive women are actually very lonely. They don't have boyfriends because they seem unapproachable and everyone assumes that they must already have a boyfriend because they're so beautiful." mused The Otter. "Well that's what I want to believe."

"Bullshit" says Junior.


"I was thinking about the chick that works in The Bothy" . That was the first thing to come out of Junior's mouth in the morning...

1 comment:

The Incredible Bulk said...

Did you have a tape recorder running?