Meanwhile The Otter continues to eat huge meals and have a lot of sex whilst claiming to never run out of breath, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion like the latest result at Stirling a +2min victory reduced to a -4min defeat in the space of a year. (Bastard).
In fact I'd like to take issue with the Fink program in its entirety - "Follow this to the letter and you'll be competitive?"
I feel about as strong as a kitten with M.E. True I've been knocked down with the latest cold virus but all the same...
"It's all in the taper" promises The Otter.
To the uninitiated the taper consists of doing very little in the last week (apart from eating and having a lot of sex, no change there) then we can reap the rewards of all that training (yawn).
1 comment:
It was a lovely taper, thanks :-)
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