13th September. Fat Boy Bites Off More Than He Can Chew.

Rounding the outermost bouy on the second lap of the swim in chilly Loch Linnhe I was surprised to find that the huge fish I was in collision with was none other than FB. It was a few moments before the fish came to the realization that the digging in the ribs was out of mere recognition rather than underhand play by an unknown competitor. Ahead in the swim! A first in this long running saga of  bitter rivalry. FB then had the benefit of talc in transition 1. and had his socks on first however I sprinted to the exit and got away on the bike. FB was expecting big things after investing heavily in  Titanium and assorted top of the range bicycle componentry. However the Big Man was tiring like a 300 lb Marlin on the end of high breaking strain line after the exertion of the previous days race. By the end of the 90km cycle all the fight had gone out and the big fish was flapping about in the bottom of the boat.  "What! No run??" I said after running across the line after a further 13 miles of pointlessly looking over my shoulder..

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