8th September. Helvellyn Sick Up

As soon as I tip-toed in and climbed into one of the three tier bunks of Generator Noise Cottage I knew I was going to be sick in something like 10 secs, which wouldn't have been nice for the serious competitors already asleep. I reversed quickly in the darkness and straight out into the relative anonymity of the campsite in  just my matalan underpants. 3 bottles of Miller and then a pint at the local just sitting on top of double lasagna with lemon meringue ?? Simply a case of overspill and not true vomitus.  The plus point was with that level of carbo loading that "England's Toughest Triathlon" could be completed on one Mars bar and half a bottle of coke.


iODyne said...

... it was clearly due to the lemon meringue. best avoid it next time.

The Editor said...

That's prob true!