THE DAILY ARSE 18th April All About Nothing

There ! something happened today ! just now. My Senility Index ( see previous) just rose abruptly. That's because i just managed to delete everything I've just spent ages trying to write. I had said that O'Malley said I'm going to end up with nothing to say because I'm going to "run out of life experience" (what he actually means by that is baring my arse at the doctors). Now I'm actually "live streaming" senility, so that's life experience as it happens. Did anything else actually happen today? I lived. I breathed. I left the back door of the Daihatsu open which swung out during a turning manouvre, that gave me an SI of 3.9.
The door got jammed against the trailer, I thought, this has happened before, so now for a change, I'll just reverse the process. This caused the edge of the door to be irretrevably crushed, grossly affecting resale value. Not that anyone ( in their right mind ) would want to buy it. 188,000 miles without damage to the back door, then one careless moment....and... crunch. Still, if that's all you've got to worry about ?.. (Iran is stockpiling skiploads of we speak. ). But what could be more boring than writing about what you're writng about?... Only writing about what you're writing about what you're writing about...
Tomorrow promises to be more eventful because I'm slated to reveal mon derriere at 9.15am.. but only if I haven't already dissapeared up it... writing about what you're writing about what you're wri.........


The Incredible Bulk said...

Where is the 19th, and the bi-monthly cinematic experience? !!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!